The bun has become the most popular hairdo for this season. Here's an easy way to add a twist to your donut bun...
Introducing the French Braid Bun
What you'll need:
- a brush
- elastic bands
- bobby pins
- bun sock ( the one you used for the hair donut post)
Step 1
Gently brushing your hair to remove any knots.
Step 2
Divide your hair by making a part from your left ear across the crown of your head, to the right ear. Secure the top part of your hair with a clip and this should make braiding the lower half much easier.
Step 3
Flip your head upside down, and then gently brush the hair again. Start the French braid at the nape of your neck, and braid all the way to the crown of your head. Then secure the hair with an elastic band, and leave the ponytail free.
Step 4
Remove the clip from the top part of your hair. Tie the hair and the ponytail left from the braid together in a high ponytail.
Step 5
Now make a bun. For this you can use a bun roll. Slide it over your ponytail, arrange your hair around it, and then gently tuck it under the roll, and secure with bobby pins.
You'll love it!!